Directed by Ann Russell and written by Gerard Lee, “This Old Man” finished its brilliant run at The Viking Theatre in Clontarf on 23rd July. Thanks to Laura and Andy at The Viking, to my wonderful cast, the multi-talented Gerard Lee and all who came to support this.
The audience response has been fantastic: “Wonderful writing, directing and acting. Highly entertaining with humour and pathos evenly balanced. for a great night at the theatre, I recommend it”.
“Absolutely a must see. Laugh out loud, real, emotional and a wonderful play”.
“Brilliant night at This Old Man at The Viking. Very moving and emotional but also some side splitting humour”.
This Old Man is a bitter-sweet comedy about families and simmering sibling rivalry. Two sisters Carol (Deirdre Monaghan) and Denise (Paula Greevy-Lee) battle over the best way to deal with their charming, roguish and curmudgeonly dad Eamonn (John Olohan). Sparks fly and a few tears are shed but laughter is never far away!